WATCH: Capital Ideas, part 2 - Paddy Shows Ethan Canada’s Capital City of Ottawa, ON

Posted on: Monday, February 26, 2018

In Part 1, Ethan gave Paddy an Eagle-Eye view of the Potomac, the US river that runs through the capital of Washington D.C. Now they cross the border to explore the Potomac’s “twin”, the Ottawa River. Paddy discovers that the Ottawa River watershed is bigger than England, and provides drinking water to over 3 million people... and beavers! Captain Nemo arranges a rendez-vous with Ottawa’s Riverkeeper, Meredith Brown, who shares recent efforts to protect the endangered American eel. Together, they make plans for future missions to keep the twin rivers safe for drinking, swimming and fishing.

This is Part 2 of a series created in partnership with Ottawa Riverkeeper, Potomac Riverkeeper Network, the Embassy of the United States in Ottawa, and Canada 150 Heritage Rivers. Stay tuned for more Paddy the Beaver “Eco Builder”!

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